Saturday, December 22, 2007

Instrument of the Devil

I don't want to tell the punch line up front, which I so often do when trying to tell a joke. I'm horrible with jokes. I have about 'one' that I can tell ok, and Monte often makes me, just for fun, making a big deal of it.

Something I heard on the radio this morning reminded me of this story. Both stories, this mornings and the one it reminded me of, were on Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story". Both are about some history linked with the harmonica.

Did you know that the harmonica was called "the instrument of the devil"? You'd think...Oh, the atmosphere the harmonica was played in?...What it did to the body, like sexual drive temptations?...Too much rhythm?...People who played them were too different?...

I'm sure all those things were thought. But in reality, harmonica's were made of lead. So the people who played them a lot were being poisoned...

The punch line might have been me telling up front, what I also heard on the radio this morning, about another recall of a toy. So much lead poisoning potentials and other chemicals causing lots of recalls.

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