Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dear Diary

OK, now to just journal my day. I'm off my feet relaxing. It's been busy, though home (except that I started a new felting class Thursday evening).

Heather and Bill, her new husband, are here. We've done lots of work on the house since she left to get married a month ago, and then knowing they were to come back for an open house wedding reception, which is here tomorrow - I pretty much got everything done that I wanted to have done. So I'm ready to relax and enjoy family and friends for the next two days before they leave.

A lot of their stuff got loaded into our trailer and truck by Dawson and friend Aaron today, and taken to a storage unit. Heather's been going through all her stored stuff in our garage, walking down memory lane. I cooked most of the day, but helped in analyzing things and finding things and thinking through things needed for now, rather than later.

"How are you feeling?" emailed a friend of mine. I really think I'm fine. Heather has come and gone several times over the last decade and I'm so glad of her 'choosiness' in who she wanted to marry. She's listened to, and followed her heart, which has grown mature and full of God's wisdom. I've spent days reliving this current journey since all the photos are on my laptop. Dawson printed them yesterday and I put them in a photo album for Bill and Heather last night. And ... (it may sound awful) I'm wanting her things out of our garage!

But I have had arguments with God through this process. This little gal has been praying very specifically for her man and marriage since she was young. Approaching 30 years old is hard. So I've had it out with God, telling Him he's got to honor this gal's prayers, who's lived so honorably in love with Him all her life! And Bill himself at his older age has never been married, which is so rare these days, we've found.

So now, my prayer this night was that what I'm observing - their lovey-dovyness - and her feeling so free to sing aloud and giggle and share stories, as she's going through her stuff to either store or take with them, does not get crushed. Why do we even think that way? Cuz of all the bad stories we hear.

I can't wait for her married brother Travis, to come tomorrow, staying the night. I can't wait for him and Sarah to observe this new Heather and Bill together. I want to hear their thoughts.

They just picked up Bill's 'German' german shepherd at Bill's dad's house. So since he, Max, is not used to the cold, and it has been cold and with snow, he's having to stay in the house. We don't usually have dogs in the house, but I'm relaxing. Actually, my first 'grandchildren' are a tiny Boston Terrier 'Bea' (that would be one mouthful for Max), and a giant Max.

We're all getting used to each other and becoming 'family'.

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