Thursday, May 22, 2008


Getting ready for a weekend of company. My newly married Heather, with Bill, are flying in tomorrow morning. They'll be getting a rental truck to pack their stored stuff here, and drive to their new home at Fort Hood, outside Austin Texas.

Monte and Dawson have been in the SW Arizona desert this week doing geology. Dawson's been posting pictures on his photo site. I like the one of Monte's silhouette with pick in the rising sun. Normally you'd think 'sunset', but with afternoon temps over 100 degrees, they are going out at dusk and working till just after noon, or till they can't stand it! And Dawson captured a picture of a jackrabbit jumping. They fly home Saturday.

Saturday afternoon the whole family - with Travis and Sarah, and my mom and Jim - will be here and share supper together.

Tonight is my second needlefelt class in this 4 week course. We do wool-sculpted heads tonight.

So I'm off to ready the house and get ready for tonight's class.

And since I so often give a weather report for our 8000' Colorado Mtn area: supposed to be cooler today and rain, but it's been beautiful! Got some garden seeds planted, but need Monte home to ready the rest of the garden. The greenhouse is full and I'm starting to harden off the broccoli ('cole') family plants and some flowers for planting outside next week. Apple and Nanking Cherry trees/bushes are in bloom. Lilacs are soon to bloom. Hummingbirds are humming, and pine siskins are in abundance at the thistle feeder, and I'm keeping my eyes open for the occasional goldfinch. Someone has said we shouldn't get any more snow this season. Hoping.


soul and culture said...

hey...I tagged you in a meme on my blog if you wanna play.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys get any snow either Friday or Saturday? We had a bunch of rain down here on Thu/Fri and snow in our mountains.

Karey Swan said...

Amy, I'll play tag with you.

Rob, no snow this past week, "Thank you God", but it did cool off. And Monte said it cooled off in the AZ desert too.

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