Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Advent Basket Day 3

So, what's in Day 3 of my Advent Basket? 2 nails. Hmmmm ... are you thinking the scripture reading would have something to do with Jesus being hammered to the cross? No, yet yes. The slip of paper in the bag says, "Nails hold things together. Read Colossians 1:13-18. Who else can hold things together." (For kids, they shorten the passages, but I read to verse 23, keeping the context together.)

Christmas is a easy Holiday to celebrate. Babies are so easy to love and embrace. But we can't keep Jesus as a perpetual baby (or maybe that's where some people remain). Who wants to embrace a cross?!

I look at Jesus and am able to see God. I get to know Jesus' heart, and see God's motivation in creating everything, and see God's spacious heart as so enlarged to hold us all together! Because of Jesus' willingness to die on the cross, broken all/me is fixed and fit together.

The pictures are called Kissing the Face of God, Walking with God, and Father and Son.

Yes, I'm celebrating the baby Jesus. I'm celebrating that God chose to enter our history, coming as a baby birthed from a woman's womb, growing up through childhood, working alongside Joseph as a carpenter. Jesus called us friends and asks a response from us, a mutual give and take and give ...

Yes, God holds everything together; He holds the whole world in His hands. Advent reminds me of a pregnant creation. Birth pangs without and within waiting ... As waiting does not diminish a pregnant mother, nor are we. We are enlarged in the waiting. Anticipation ... joyful expectation ... for only God knows what!!!!

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