Thursday, January 29, 2009


Calendar Girl me is doing pretty much nothing this month. I'm not home and some things I see I posted last January are not on my computer calendar. So if you're curious about some church calendar things and more, click on January 2008 in the side bar. Like I posted about Thomas Aquinas, John Bunyan, St Anthony the Desert Father ... 

And I don't even think I mentioned I had a birthday this month. We arrived here in Texas the day before my birthday and Heather had made my favorite cake - spice cake from scratch, leaving me the boiled brown sugar frosting to make. I hadn't made it for myself for awhile, so it tasted good!

Will Heather and Bill's baby be born in January or February, the month that holds my mom's birthday. It's looking like it will be February. We went to the military hospital OBGYN today and they checked on the baby's heart and amount of fluid and all's okay, and she's having regular mild contractions, but hardly any cervix softening. So unless the baby chooses to come soon, her midwife scheduled us to go on Tuesday for inducing since she'll be 2 weeks overdue. Heather really wants the baby to come when it wants to, so we'll see. We've been walking, and the other day was in FRIZZLE!! - little blades of ice hitting our faces! 

January is the month I love sitting with all the garden catalogues that have poured in and dream and plan my gardens. I usually order seeds now. BUT, we joined for another year a somewhat local, organic farm - weekly produce starting in June thru mid December. They can grow so much more than I can at my altitude, and we loved it last year. So what do I want to plant this year is the question. I'll probably start certain flower favorites soon. Probably still grow broccoli, snow peas, green beans ... there's still stuff I like to walk out and pick and eat! I still have my herb bed and of course tons of perennials! Thinking ...

Waiting ... More time to read and knit. Nothing else to organize, just some sewing to do, and I found Heather had a bunch of stitcherys done, so got some frames for them. Still cooking, thinking big for extra to freeze.

Bill's safely in Kuwait, or Iraq by now. He calls and emails Heather daily. We'll mail stuff to him tomorrow - lots of flat-rate boxes I can help her carry. The next, last, big thing, will be his guitar - we'll mail next week.

So I'm not flying home on January 31st. Don't know when yet ...

1 comment:

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Hi Karey,

You don't "know" me but you have been a household name around our home for MANY years, since your fabulous "Home and Hearth" came into my possession. (I'm on my second copy as I loaned the first out and it never returned ~~ I consider it a blessing I passed on.)

I have had such fun finding your blog of late and reading your posts that flow along with the same friendly, relaxed style that characterizes your H&H book.

I just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know I am praying right along with you for Heather's safe delivery of the precious babe and all the other special circumstances with Bill's deployment and such.

I enjoy reading your blog and plan to delve back into the archives on rainy days (if we ever get any here in California ~~ I'm in the north near Tahoe).

: D

That spice cake recipe is NOT in your cookbook. Is it somewhere on your blogsite? I've wondered about it for YEARS!!! I LOVE spice cake.

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