Friday, November 9, 2007

Beautiful Weather!!!!

This fall has been amazing! I can't believe I was out with a short sleeve in November.

So I did some more fall clean up.

Dawson and Gary were re-texturing my laundry room now that Monte's moved his office out. I'm going to paint it purple and yellow. For awhile, it'll hold exercise equipment. Eventually it'll have stairs going up to Monte's new office.

I ate my cottage cheese with tomato, green onion and avacado lunch outside. Had my cup of tea and a book. I love watching the birds at my feeders and drinking water. I was soaking up the sun, getting my dose of vitamin D.

Tomorrow is a wedding shower for Heather, and we'll probably go to church tomorrow night. Sunday I pick Monte up at the airport. He's been leading a field trip all week down the coast from Oregon to southern California.

It's supposed to start snowing Sunday into Monday. So this is typical Colorado beautiful warm days before the storm.

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