Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Than Just a Day

"Easter is far more than a day it is an entire season that stretches for 50 days until the celebration of Pentecost - this year on May 31" says Christine Sine.

I have an RSS feed reader on my computer and there's news and blogs I subscribe to (it's all free). Daily news and writings come thru. It's an easy way to cruise thru news, often just reading the titles or summaries is all that's needed when you've been following the news. And when someone writes, it shows up. I can click on things I want to read in it's entirety. BUT, there are some blogs I don't read in this format because the 'atmosphere' of the blog or it's artisticness ... doesn't come thru the reader (unless I need a new reader).

Christine Sine's site is one I regularly open to read in its entirety. Another blog I've followed for several years is the Jesus Creed.

As Christine goes on to ask about Eastertide, "So what is going to flourish in your life this season? How do you expect to encounter the risen Christ?" And she lists some possibilities to consider. As I just posted the other day in Counting Omer, our linear calendar days can have EXTRAordinary meaning when we're connected to God's larger story, living in anticipation of seeing God's winks and heart, that so often grace our days ... but do we notice?!


Debbie in CA : ) said...

I completely agree that we do not coast from one major holy-day to another, but rather the tapestry of God's pathways through life and our lives individually creates a pattern for celebration or at least blessed observation on an ongoing basis. Each time I see a sunrise I think of the miraculous events of creation . . . the separation of light and dark for the very first time. I can become reduced to tears at the sight of a swelling seed IF I am walking in my Lord's wake, sitting in His shadow, nestling under His downy wing.

As a child I lived for HOLIDAYS and all the expectant celebrations. Later I learned to celebrate each day as Holy in His care -- it has developed into a way of life so full, so rich, so satisfying that the world's pathetic counterfeit measures of celebration leave me flat.

And so I ramble, and love every minute of rambling through your posts in a catch-up mode. Life has been a swell of "stuff" around my cottage, but over all the Lord has cloaked us with His grace and mercy and love and IT IS GOOD. Now I must be off as the children arise (we're not early birds).

Thanks for providing a bit of something to chew on throughout the day. I wish we lived near enough for a real chat . . . so much to share, so much to ask, so much to celebrate. (So little time left for this extended comment . . . and I want to comment on the egg salad post.) : )

Bye for now.

Karey Swan said...

I'll ramble ... I keep meaning to go jump in the shower, thus changing from my nightgown and robe ... I may rise early, and my kids might have too, but we all love lounging in the early mornings doing our reading, writing and whatever, before getting ready to tackle the rest of the day.

I think this pattern developed from homeschooling. Since 'school' happened in the morning us moms don't start the day as might be typical. And our schooling was more reading aloud alot. And my boys wrote a "Homeschooling Blues" song that has a line saying, "my teacher shows up in her PJ's"!

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