Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dream Quote Ponderings

"Those who've abandoned their dreams will discourage yours.
Your job is to not listen."
- Bill Baren

I just read that quote and wanted to post it, to capture it, so to ponder.

Pondering about people who tend not to dream or dream too small. Pondering dreaming as giving one life and hope.

Or pondering those who do the discouraging of others. Do they dare to dream? Or why do they abandon their dreams? Do they need to step on others to feel better? feel better than you? feel better about themselves? Or maybe step on you in hopes of getting taller so maybe they can see further? yet in attempting to shatter dreams ... what is really going on?

Pondering not listening ... Some speak lies - these we're to not believe ... Listening is a piece of communication, which I'm all for ... yet there's a place for not dialoguing, like in the Garden of Eden story ... How do we know, how can we tell, when not to listen? It makes me think of John 10 and knowing My Shepherd's voice amongst all the other voices.

Oh that I know my shepherd and his voice, and in knowing and loving my shepherd, I have life and hopes and large dreams!!


Karen Deborah said...

You role model the achieving of big dreams. I dream of publishing my book. How did you publish yours?

If you'd like to read mine I'll e mail it to you. It's about my patients.

Karey Swan said...

Karen, we initially self-published my book. We passed it around to a variety of people to read, and help edit or give input, then found a local printer. Now days there's other possibilities with digital printing and print on demand (as someone wants your book), or going thru publishers.

Right now someone is taking my Hearth&Home and doing some fine tuning and putting it into eBook form, and still printing it for those who want it in that form, and he'll market it. I don't know what that'll look like for the future, cuz I'll have to change something with what I do now with Amazon selling it. But when Monte did the arithmetic he said we'd make more money this way. Printing costs are not cheap and even publishers today are not printing books in the thousands like they used to.

And oh, some books, like The Shack, are selling thousands because of the internet and word-of-mouth ... out of garages!

When you mentioned writing a book about your job and patients' stories, I thought I'd like to read that book. So yes, I'd love to read your book.

Karen Deborah said...

that would be wonderful! I'll get back to you in a couple of days.

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